These mods have been requested, approved in principle and are pending an adoption and testing process, sometimes mods will remain in this state for a while, until claimed by an active campaign team. We do not proactively test mods unless there is a operational need for them.
Editor and Zeus Tools Zeus Deck Boss [1164] 0.00GB
Terrain and Maps North Takistan [1202] 0.80GB Sa'hatra [1207] 2.00GB
Realism and Immersion WBK Immersive Animations [1261] 0.00GB
Suggestions List
These mods have been suggested and are pending review for suitability and consideration, we periodically review this list every month or so and we'll approve or deny mods in principle based on current requirements. Unless a mod has an urgent operational requirement (for example as part of a campaign) it may remain here for a while. Note you can withdraw your suggestions at any time.
Gear, Units and Vehicles Indian Armed Forces 2024[1264] 0.00GB Switchblade Loitering Munition[1265] 0.00GB 3DMA - Alpha Group Equipment[1266] 2.00GB 3DMA - Western Dusk[1267] 1.00GB 4DSR Polska Grupa Arma 3 | AFRP - Polish Army Mod Arma 3[1268] 1.00GB UNICAN[1272] 0.00GB QAV - Challenger 2[1276] 1.00GB (CUP) People's Liberation Army[1280] 1.00GB
Editor and Zeus Tools AMT[1279] 0.00GB Disable 3den Mission Preview Shortcut[1282] 0.00GB
Terrain and Maps Stubbhult[1271] 0.00GB Dagger Island Training Complex[1277] 1.00GB Goose Green, Falklands[1281] 0.00GB
Realism and Immersion ACE Realistic Dispersion[1269] 0.00GB Diwako's STALKER-like anomalies rework[1270] 0.00GB Death and Hit reactions[1273] 0.00GB Animated Recoil coefficient changer[1274] 0.00GB
Compatibility Spearhead 1944 - Creator DLC Compatibility Data for Non-Owners[1245] 1.00GB S.O.G. Prairie Fire - Creator DLC Compatibility Data for Non-Owners[1246] 1.00GB Global Mobilization - Cold War Germany - Compatibility Data for Non-Owners[1247] 37.00GB Reaction Forces - Creator DLC Compatibility Data for Non-Owners[1251] 3.00GB Expeditionary Forces - Compatibility Data For Non-Owners[1278] 3.00GB
DLC SPEX - Spearhead Extended[1275] 2.00GB
Denied/Dissapproval List
These mods have been previously used or have been requested by subsequently denied in the approvals process. This may be due to incompatibility or because the unit has decided that it has no requirement for it in the near future. This list is subject to periodic review.
Reason Codes Keying [IC] Incompatibility [DP] Deprecated [FR] Feature/content not required [CO] Content overlap or conflict [NI] Niche content / low user adoption [OR] Other / not specified
Gear, Units and Vehicles
Arma Containment Breach - SCP in ArmA III[44] [FR]
Specialist Military Arms (SMA) Version 2.7.1[58] [CO]
F-15SE Silent Eagle[76] [OR]
VSM All-In-One Collection[105] [FR]
ITC Land Systems[111] [OR]
Zombies and Demons[119] [OR]
Unsung[130] [OR]
F/A-18 Hornet[140] [CO]
6 x 6 All Terrain Vehicle[153] [FR]
Task Force Canada (TFC-CAF)[175] [FR]
Boeing Konyo MH47G SOAR[178] [IC]
MS_IFF_Strobe[182] [IC]
Tier One Weapons[189] [OR]
Arma 3 Aegis[199] [OR]
Arma 3 Aegis - Police[200] [OR]
Arma 3 Atlas[201] [OR]
AH-64D Apache Longbow - Official Project[205] [NI]