9mm 30rnd Sterling Mag (Ball)
Classification: MagAsset ID: QM21459
Mass: 7
Weight: 318g
This asset appears in 23 equipment lists across 1 operators.
Kit Operators (1)
Units of the task force are using this equipment for the following personnel:
F28 British Army (1984) DPM
in 23 positions
Squad Leader
Logistics Support Chief
Combat Engineer
AT Specialist, Medium
AT Specialist, Heavy
Machinegunner, Heavy
Platoon Leader
Platoon Sergeant
Light Vehicle Crewman (Driver)
AA Specialist
Rotary Pilot (General)
Forward Air Controller
Forward Observer
MBT Crewman (Driver)
MBT Crewman (Commander)
Field Artillery Cannoneer
Light Vehicle Crewman (Commander)
EOD Specialist
Joint Fires Observer
Fire Support Chief
APC/IFV Crewman (Driver)
APC/IFV Crewman (Commander)
Logistics Support Chief
Combat Engineer
AT Specialist, Medium
AT Specialist, Heavy
Machinegunner, Heavy
Platoon Leader
Platoon Sergeant
Light Vehicle Crewman (Driver)
AA Specialist
Rotary Pilot (General)
Forward Air Controller
Forward Observer
MBT Crewman (Driver)
MBT Crewman (Commander)
Field Artillery Cannoneer
Light Vehicle Crewman (Commander)
EOD Specialist
Joint Fires Observer
Fire Support Chief
APC/IFV Crewman (Driver)
APC/IFV Crewman (Commander)