Ammonium Carbonate
Classification: MagAsset ID: QM55100
Mass: 1
Weight: 45g
This asset appears in 156 equipment lists across 29 operators.
Kit Operators (29)
Units of the task force are using this equipment for the following personnel:
F5 USMC (Woodland MARPAT)
in 7 positions
MERT Technician
Squad Medic
Combat Medic
Platoon Medic
Combat Life Saver
CMT Technician
CMT Technician (Driver)
Squad Medic
Combat Medic
Platoon Medic
Combat Life Saver
CMT Technician
CMT Technician (Driver)
F13 WW2 US Army Europe (1942)
in 5 positions
F16 Bundeswehr (BWMOD)
in 1 positions
F21 US Vietnam (1969) - DLC
in 3 positions
F23 World War Two (1943) USMC
in 3 positions
F24 US MTP (2035)
in 6 positions
F29 US Army (1984) M81
in 8 positions
CMT Leader
CMT Technician
CMT Technician (Driver)
Squad Medic
Combat Medic
Combat Life Saver
Platoon Medic
SF Medic
CMT Technician
CMT Technician (Driver)
Squad Medic
Combat Medic
Combat Life Saver
Platoon Medic
SF Medic
F32 US ARMY DCU (2001)
in 3 positions
F33 British Army MTP Osprey (2013)
in 6 positions
F34 US Army Rangers (CUP/Multicam)
in 4 positions
F35 British Expeditionary Forces (1944)
in 4 positions
F37 British Army (1984) DPM V2
in 4 positions
F38 Polish Armed Forces (2023) Woodland
in 10 positions
Combat Life Saver
Platoon Medic
Squad Medic
Combat Medic
CMT Technician
CMT Technician (Driver)
CMT Leader
MERT Officer
MERT Technician
SF Medic
Platoon Medic
Squad Medic
Combat Medic
CMT Technician
CMT Technician (Driver)
CMT Leader
MERT Officer
MERT Technician
SF Medic
F41 Lapodes Territorial Defense (2020)
in 6 positions
F43 British Army DPM (2007)
in 8 positions
Platoon Medic
Squad Medic
Combat Life Saver
Combat Medic
SF Medic
CMT Technician
CMT Technician (Driver)
MERT Technician
Squad Medic
Combat Life Saver
Combat Medic
SF Medic
CMT Technician
CMT Technician (Driver)
MERT Technician
F44 Black Claw Inc OD (2022)
in 10 positions
CMT Leader
CMT Technician
CMT Technician (Driver)
Combat Life Saver
Combat Medic
MERT Officer
Squad Medic
SF Medic
Platoon Medic
MERT Technician
CMT Technician
CMT Technician (Driver)
Combat Life Saver
Combat Medic
MERT Officer
Squad Medic
SF Medic
Platoon Medic
MERT Technician
F45 British Army DDPM (2003)
in 7 positions
MERT Technician
CMT Technician
CMT Technician (Driver)
Platoon Medic
Squad Medic
Combat Medic
Combat Life Saver
CMT Technician
CMT Technician (Driver)
Platoon Medic
Squad Medic
Combat Medic
Combat Life Saver
F47 US Army Future Warrior UCP (2009)
in 9 positions
CMT Technician
CMT Technician (Driver)
Combat Life Saver
CMT Leader
Squad Medic
Platoon Medic
Combat Medic
MERT Technician
MERT Officer
CMT Technician (Driver)
Combat Life Saver
CMT Leader
Squad Medic
Platoon Medic
Combat Medic
MERT Technician
MERT Officer
F48 Blackflag OD PMC (2023)
in 3 positions
F50 Lapodes Armed Forces (2020)
in 7 positions
Platoon Medic
Squad Medic
Combat Life Saver
Combat Medic
SF Medic
CMT Technician
CMT Technician (Driver)
Squad Medic
Combat Life Saver
Combat Medic
SF Medic
CMT Technician
CMT Technician (Driver)
F52 British Army, MTP CUP (2015)
in 5 positions
in 9 positions
Combat Medic
MERT Technician
SF Medic
CMT Technician
CMT Technician (Driver)
Platoon Medic
Squad Medic
Combat Life Saver
CMT Leader
MERT Technician
SF Medic
CMT Technician
CMT Technician (Driver)
Platoon Medic
Squad Medic
Combat Life Saver
CMT Leader
F54 Bundeswehr, Flecktarn (2015)
in 10 positions
Combat Medic
Squad Medic
Platoon Medic
CMT Leader
CMT Technician
CMT Technician (Driver)
Combat Life Saver
MERT Technician
MERT Officer
SF Medic
Squad Medic
Platoon Medic
CMT Leader
CMT Technician
CMT Technician (Driver)
Combat Life Saver
MERT Technician
MERT Officer
SF Medic
F56 USSR, Summer (1942)
in 4 positions
F57 SCP Foundation MTF MCB (2025)
in 1 positions
in 1 positions
F59 RACS Royal Fusiliers-RFP (2006)
in 4 positions
F62 Netherlands Armed Forces NFP-G (2025)
in 5 positions
F63 US Army Europe, Spearhead (1943)
in 3 positions