M713 Red Smoke Round
Classification: MagAsset ID: QM21633
Mass: 5
Weight: 227g
This asset appears in 72 equipment lists across 14 operators.
Kit Operators (14)
Units of the task force are using this equipment for the following personnel:
F5 USMC (Woodland MARPAT)
in 3 positions
F7 PMC Style (USMC Kit) Debadged
in 5 positions
F8 BAF Royal Marines (3CB) Desert
in 2 positions
F10 US Ranger Regiment (MLO/USAF)
in 6 positions
in 7 positions
Fireteam Leader
Light Vehicle Crewman (Commander)
Platoon Leader
Platoon Sergeant
Squad Leader
SF Commander
SF Team Leader
Light Vehicle Crewman (Commander)
Platoon Leader
Platoon Sergeant
Squad Leader
SF Commander
SF Team Leader
F14 US Army Rangers (MLO/MULTICAM)
in 6 positions
F17 USMC (MARPAT-WD) Typhoon
in 5 positions
F19 US Army Rangers (Sapphire) OD
in 4 positions
F22 Canadian Armed Forces (OD)
in 5 positions
F27 USMC MARPAT-WD (2022) Poseidon
in 1 positions
F31 Red Veil (1980)
in 6 positions
Squad Leader
Infantry Team Leader
Platoon Leader
Company Commander
Fireteam Leader
Junior Team Leader
Infantry Team Leader
Platoon Leader
Company Commander
Fireteam Leader
Junior Team Leader
F34 US Army Rangers (CUP/Multicam)
in 3 positions
F40 USMC MARPAT-D (2014)
in 8 positions
Squad Leader
Infantry Team Leader
Fireteam Leader
Junior Team Leader
Platoon Leader
Company Commander
Forward Air Controller
Infantry Team Leader
Fireteam Leader
Junior Team Leader
Platoon Leader
Company Commander
Forward Air Controller
F50 Lapodes Armed Forces (2020)
in 11 positions
Fireteam Leader
Junior Team Leader
Squad Leader
Infantry Team Leader
Platoon Leader
Company Commander
Platoon Sergeant
SF Commander
SF Team Leader
Forward Air Controller
Fireteam Leader
Junior Team Leader
Squad Leader
Infantry Team Leader
Platoon Leader
Company Commander
Platoon Sergeant
SF Commander
SF Team Leader
Forward Air Controller