Version 3 / 7min read / Updated Thu 12 Jan 2023 / 2476 views / of verified
What are Radio networks?
Tactical radio communications take place on networks or "NETS", the type and volume of communication differs depending on the type of net that those transmissions are being broadcasted to. Some nets are less formal than others, this section will outline the expectations on each type of network.
Each net will have a number of recieving callsigns listening to it, and a number of transmitting callsigns who use it.
To ident means to identify, both who you are as the transmittor and whomever you are trying to speak to. Ident can be achieved by stating names or callsigns, depending on the type of net.
Transactional vs non-transactional nets
A transactional net is one in which transmissions must form part of a transaction. In transactional nets callsigns first identify with one another, and once ident has been completed, a series of tranmissions take place, and then the transaction is ended with the proword "OUT".
When a transaction is taking place between two callsigns, only those callsigns can use the net, other callsigns on the net must remain silent untill they hear "OUT" which indicates that the transaction is completed.
UNITAF does not use the pro-word "OVER".
If a callsign who is not part of the ongoing transaction has urgent information to send, they can use the proword "BREAK BREAK BREAK" to break a transaction.
Once a series of transmissions in a transaction are underway, IDENT does not need to happen for each message, just at the start and end of the transaction.
The below table shows the types of nets and their usage of IDENT and transactional communication procedures.
Activity | Fireteam | Squad | Platoon | Company | Direct/Special |
IDENT | Use names or buddy team colours | Short callsigns | Full callsigns | Full callsigns | Full callsigns |
Transmissions adressing multiple callsigns
If a callsign initates a transmission with multiple callsigns at the same time, such as through an "ALL STATIONS" call, and the transmission requires a response from these callsigns, the receiving callsigns should reply in the order of the ORBAT. This means in practice that the first fireteam should reply before the second fireteam to such a call by their Squad Leader, for instance.
On fireteam nets, it is acceptable to not use transactional communications, that means you are not required to perform "YOU THIS IS ME" messaging.
You can use individual names, instead of callsigns, although the use of combat buddy colours is preferred
You can transmit at any time there is not a radio silence order in place, or someone else isn't already transmitting
It is common, especially during downtime or lulls in combat, for banter and idle chitter chatter to take place on a fireteam net, but this would be monitored by a Fireteam Leader if it became excessive.
Everything transmitted must be specific and tasked by name, or collectively, that means using the names of players or colours or 'everyone' as a collective call
Examples of fireteam net communications
- "Red team, set up a base of fire at that bunker." (by team leader)
- "Everyone prepare to bound." (by team leader)
- "Red team set / red team is moving." (by red buddy team leader)
- "Sighting, bearing 300, far, foot mobiles, by the tree!" (by rifleman)
- "Contact, north, 500 metres, BTR-80, on the bridge - ENGAGE!" (by team leader)
- "ACTUAL we need a medic! Dave is down!" (by rifleman)
- "Everyone on-me, north-west - red on the left, let's move!" (by team leader)
- "Red team, move-out" (by team leader)
- "Red is stepping off" (by red buddy team leader)
- "Blue team, check fire!" (by team leader)
- "Everyone go-firm. (by team leader)
Squad and above
- On squad nets and above, transactional communications is compulsary, you must use proper identification
- Names of indiviudals are not used on Squad net or higher, only callsigns are used
- You cannot transmit unless your message is priority and/or the previous station ended their transmission with "OUT"
- Idle chatter should be kept to a minimum
Examples of squad net communications
- "1-0 this is 1-1" (by 1st Fireteam leader)
- "1-1 go for 1-0" (by Squad leader)
- "All stations, ACE REPORT" (by Squad leader)
- "1-0 this is 1-2, WAIT OUT" (by 2nd Fireteam leader)
- "All stations PRIORITY this is 1-0, Radio Silence, OUT" (by Squad leader)
- "1-2 this is 1-0, Break contact - ACKNOWLEDGE" (by Squad leader)
- "1-0 this is 1-2, WILCO, OUT" (by team leader)
- "1-2 this is 1-0, READBACK, move to WP7, maintain weapons red." (by Squad leader)
- "1-0 this is 1-2, I READ BACK, move WP7, weapons red." (by 2nd Fireteam leader)
- "1-2 this is 1-0, CORRECT, OUT" (by Squad leader)
- "All stations, WEAPONS GREEN, ACKNOWLEDGE" (by Squad leader)
- "1-1 Roger, OUT" (by 1st Fireteam leader)
- "1-2 Roger, OUT" (by 2nd Fireteam leader)
This SOP has been contributed to by 2 editors:
Major James
Captain Korean Falcon
Second Lieutenant Aiedail
UNITAF Standard Operating procedures (SOP) are adapted primarly from US Army Training and Doctrine Command (TRADOC). Our written and audio procedures are a combination of the following primary source materials, as well as our own learnings, modifications and adaptations:
- US Army Techniques Publication, Infantry Platoon and Squad (ATP 3-21.8)
- Soldier’s Manual of Common Tasks Warrior Leader Skills Level 2, 3, and 4 (STP 21-24-SMCT)
- The Warrior Ethos and Soldier Combat Skills (FM 3-21.75 / FM 21-75)
- Leadership Development (FM 6-22)
- Dyslexi's Tactics, Techniques, & Procedures for Arma 3 (TTP3)
(P10-158) Basics: Radios