Organising a Mission - Mission Support - United Task Force (UNITAF) Arma 3

P13-120 Organising a Mission

UNITAF / Arma 3 / Mission Support Procedures

Version 5 / 4min read / Updated Fri 13 Jan 2023 / 2293 views / of verified

Table of Contents


    UNITAF operations follow a strict framework which is outlined in this section. Ultimately the goal of standardization in UNITAF is to ensure in our system of dynamic ORBATs that standardization is maintained across all operations so players know what to expect when joining, preparing, planning, gearing out and executing UNITAF operations. This standardization encompasses but is not limited to;

    • What factions can be played
    • Duration of missions
    • SOP standardised ORBAT organisation
    • ORBAT restrictions
    • Equipment restrictions
    • Database integration
    • Limited arsenals



    All UNITAF operations use a database framework which ultimately issues standard loadouts to players based on database driven loadouts directory. The framework can be obtained from UNISTAFF and is already adapted to many maps, but it's best to check with UNISTAFF ahead of organizing your mission to ensure that this is the case. New maps can be easily adapted to the framework, if they don't already exist.

    For a mission to be approved, it must follow the framework, in order to follow the framework it must be in line with the following;

    • Full arsenals are not to be used under any circumstances
    • Loadouts should be attainable through the framework ORBAT injection system
    • Players should spawn unarmed
    • All mods must be on the UNITAF approved mods list
    • The faction players are deploying as must be an approved faction
      • Approved factions have limited arsenals prepared already according to that factions equipment
      • Approved factions have default loadouts created for all combat positions that can be ORBAT deployed
      • If a faction is not on the approved factions list, then the faction must be created before the mission can be approved
    • The mission file with integrated framework should be ready and ideally tested, prior to the ORBAT being released.
      • Using factions and maps which already have framework files makes it quicker and easier for operations to be approved
    • ORBATs will be checked as part of the approvals process, ORBATs should follow unit SOP and any issues will be raised by the reviewing officer



    Default Loadouts

    UNITAF default loadouts follow unit SOP and a number of factions have been created to date. If you intent to create a new faction for use, you should consult with the relevant J3 Operations staff for guidelines. Loadouts for all ORBAT roles must be created before the faction can be used on operations, and these loadouts must follow unit SOP. See the Loadout SOP for more information.



    Once operations have followed the framework correctly, you should schedule a mission using the operations scheduler (available to NCOs+) during this process you can set the date, time, mods, ORBAT and OPORD for the mission. OPORDs should follow the METTC principles as set out here; noting that you do not need to fill out the 'execution' section as this is generally provided by the person leading the operation not the person designing it.

    • Schedule the operation at a date and time; ensure that you give enough notice
    • If required, an operation can be postponed through UNISTAFF to an alternate date and time (you don't need to delete it)
    • Create the desired ORBAT according to SOP
    • Publish an OPORD in line with METTC guidelines
    • Set the mod list using the approved mods, or by copying the mod list from a previous operation
    • Contact an officer to have them review your Operation for approval


    Approval considerations

    Officers will consider a number of factors when approving operations;

    • The surrounding schedule and any conflicts
    • The likelihood that the ORBAT will fill
    • That enough NCO or approved leadership will be available to lead the deployment
    • That a server administrator is available to be on hand to prepare the server and deal with any issues
    • If any element of your operation does not follow the guidelines as set out in this SOP


    Closing remarks

    UNITAF strives for regular, high quality standardized operations. Following this systematic process helps administrators and players alike to enjoy the process. The leadership will assist and guide you in the proper organization of any deployment, but expect that they will enforce a high standard at all levels. Please ultimately be considerate and patient.

    This SOP has been contributed to by 2 editors:
    Major James
    Master Specialist Jari (Ret.)

    UNITAF Standard Operating procedures (SOP)
    are adapted primarly from US Army Training and Doctrine Command (TRADOC). Our written and audio procedures are a combination of the following primary source materials, as well as our own learnings, modifications and adaptations:
    - US Army Techniques Publication, Infantry Platoon and Squad (ATP 3-21.8)
    - Soldier’s Manual of Common Tasks Warrior Leader Skills Level 2, 3, and 4 (STP 21-24-SMCT)
    - The Warrior Ethos and Soldier Combat Skills (FM 3-21.75 / FM 21-75)
    - Leadership Development (FM 6-22)
    - Dyslexi's Tactics, Techniques, & Procedures for Arma 3 (TTP3)

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