Using LAMBs AI - Mission Support - United Task Force (UNITAF) Arma 3

P13-132 Using LAMBs AI

UNITAF / Arma 3 / Mission Support Procedures

Version 1 / 5min read / Updated Sun 08 May 2022 / 9599 views / of verified

Table of Contents

    Introduction to LAMBs

    By default and as part of our Core Mods, UNITAF uses LAMBs Danger to modify AI behaviour. Ultimately LAMBs micromanges AI making them behave more realistically and also providing a more difficult experience for players, and when used correctly, easier mission control for GMs. LAMBs has enhancements to AI intelligence by writing new features to the danger.fsm (finite state machine). The FSM triggers when an AI is in combat mode.


    1. Make buildings part of the AI tactical landscape
    2. Improve AI feedback and intelligence by adding distinct AI states
    3. Seamless integration with vanilla, ACE3 and modded assets


    Design philosophy

    A better AI is one which performs tactically sound actions, in a manner which is consistent, predictable and clearly communicated. Improvements to the AI are made with the explicit intention of adding distinct states or modes of action. An AI state is a type of behavior which is understood by onlookers and tactically sound from the perspective of the simulator. Each change of state comes about based on the situation.

    The best or fastest action is not always appropriate. AI behavior becomes less robotic if approached from a philosophy of fuzzy predictability. This is a way of simulating human behavior within the limits of ARMA 3. Predictability comes from states may be interpreted by observing animations, stance changes, and patterns of movement. Fuzziness come from the depth of the simulation and flow of knowledge present in AI decision making processes.



    How to use LAMBs properly

    Ultimately, you should never need to place a waypoint in Zeus, ever when using LAMBs correctly. Even without doing so, you are still able to perform all normal tasks using LAMBs modules instead. You can find the modules inside the Zeus -> Modules -> LAMBs folders.


    Task Assault

    AI Rushes heedlessly to position with an option to be in forced retreat.

    1. Place an AI group, give them 30 seconds before issuing any commands
    2. Place a Dynamic Target module from LAMBs on the position to be assaulted
    3. Place a Task Assault module on the group
    4. Fill out any required settings, hit OK.

    Note you can also get units to flee using this module, except place the dynamic target on the position you want them to flee to, and select the 'Unit is Fleeing' option.


    Task Camp

    Sets the team in camp like behaviour, Larger groups will set out patrols, Turrets may be manned, and Some buildings may be garrisoned.

    1. Place an AI group, give them 30 seconds before issuing any commands
    2. Place a Dynamic Target module from LAMBs on the position to be assaulted
    3. Place a Task Camp module on the group
    4. Fill out any required settings, hit OK.


    Task CQB

    Close Combat Module lets AI Group identifies buildings, Clears them methodically, marks building safe, moves to next building and, repeat until no buildings left

    1. Place an AI group, give them 30 seconds before issuing any commands
    2. Place a Dynamic Target module from LAMBs on the position to be assaulted
    3. Place a Task CQB module on the group
    4. Fill out any required settings, hit OK.


    Task Garrison

    The AI will take up building positions and man static weapons within a set range. Units will remain static until a triggered, the trigger may be taking damage, shooting weapons, or being near an enemy fire.

    1. Place an AI group, give them 30 seconds before issuing any commands
    2. Place a Dynamic Target module from LAMBs on the position to be assaulted
    3. Place a Task Garrison module on the group
    4. Fill out any required settings, hit OK.

    Note you can set 'Exit Conditions' of NONE, RANDOM, HIT, FIRED or FIRED NEAR the units will not leave garrison unless the exit condition is met.


    Task Patrol

    Simple dynamic patrol script by nkenny Suitable for infantry units (not so much vehicles, boats or air-- that will have to wait!)

    1. Place an AI group, give them 30 seconds before issuing any commands
    2. Place a Dynamic Target module from LAMBs on the position to be assaulted
    3. Place a Task Patrol module on the group
    4. Fill out any required settings, hit OK.


    Rush Search

    The AI will move with perfect knowledge towards any player unit within range. While not fearless, the AI is very aggressive and will enter buildings. The AI will know the player location but not targeting information-- the AI must still locate the enemy to start shooting. Perfect for Black Hawk Down style scenarios or mad dashes through Tanoan jungles. Or both!

    1. Place an AI group, give them 30 seconds before issuing any commands
    2. Place a Task Rush module on the group
    3. Fill out any required settings, hit OK.


    Hunt Search

    An LRRP patrol style script that has the unit slowly patrol in an area which gradually centers on the nearest player, within the defined range. Good for having patrols that must absolutely trigger or when you need to be careful with your AI resources and want only a single patrol which will generate some heat.

    1. Place an AI group, give them 30 seconds before issuing any commands
    2. Place a Task Hunt module on the group
    3. Fill out any required settings, hit OK.


    Creep Search

    Have the AI stalk, raptor style, the player forces. The group will attempt to move as close as possible before unleashing a hailstorm of fire. Sneaky, stealthy and quite scary.

    1. Place an AI group, give them 30 seconds before issuing any commands
    2. Place a Task Creep module on the group
    3. Fill out any required settings, hit OK.



    At any time, you can drop a Task Reset module on a LAMBs group to cancel the current task.


    Video Demonstration

    This video covers all the topics of this SOP in detail.

    This SOP has been contributed to by 1 editors:
    Major James

    UNITAF Standard Operating procedures (SOP)
    are adapted primarly from US Army Training and Doctrine Command (TRADOC). Our written and audio procedures are a combination of the following primary source materials, as well as our own learnings, modifications and adaptations:
    - US Army Techniques Publication, Infantry Platoon and Squad (ATP 3-21.8)
    - Soldier’s Manual of Common Tasks Warrior Leader Skills Level 2, 3, and 4 (STP 21-24-SMCT)
    - The Warrior Ethos and Soldier Combat Skills (FM 3-21.75 / FM 21-75)
    - Leadership Development (FM 6-22)
    - Dyslexi's Tactics, Techniques, & Procedures for Arma 3 (TTP3)

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