Cold War Theatre (1975-1990), Iron Tempest II
United Task Force
United Task Force
Lt Gen Chad P. Franks
MacDill Air Force Base Tampa, U.S.
Lt Gen Chad P. Franks
MacDill Air Force Base Tampa, U.S.
Background Information
Friendly Forces
BISHOP Platoon – British Army

- 1x FV432 HQ – BISHOP 9
- 4x FV510 Warrior IFVs – KNIGHT
Enemy Forces
Mainly The Argentine Army with the possible but limited support of the Argentine Air Force

TaskingWith Villa Sanagasta and the Industrial Park now under firm control, the unit is to continue its advance southward to secure remaining key objectives. The next phase of operations requires clearing the slums, securing a villa, and capturing a factory, all of which remain under enemy control. These locations are expected to contain pockets of resistance, and their capture is essential for disrupting enemy operations in the area. The slums, positioned directly south of the Industrial Park, present a complex urban environment where enemy forces may attempt to regroup and resist further advances. The unit is to conduct a controlled clearing operation to neutralise all threats and secure the area, ensuring it cannot be used as a staging ground for counterattacks. Once the slums are cleared, the advance will continue towards the villa, which is believed to serve as a command or logistics node for enemy forces. Securing this position will further weaken enemy coordination and allow for a more direct approach to the final objective—the factory. The factory is a vital production and supply facility, and its capture will significantly disrupt enemy logistics. The unit must ensure the factory is taken intact where possible while maintaining security against any potential counteroffensive. If conditions permit, and operational tempo allows, an additional push will be made eastwards to secure FOB Centinela. This forward operating base serves as a defensive and logistical hub for enemy forces, and its capture would further cement control over the area. This objective will be pursued based on situational developments and available resources.
Mission Completion: Upon successful completion of the operation, friendly forces will have secured the slums, villa, and factory, establishing full control over the southern sector. The enemy’s ability to regroup or launch counterattacks from these locations will be eliminated, and the area will be fully denied to hostile forces. If feasible, FOB Centinela will also be under friendly control, further solidifying dominance over the region. The unit will then consolidate defensive positions, ensuring all captured objectives remain secure while preparing for follow-on operations. Mission Failure: In the event of mission failure, friendly forces are to establish a defensive perimeter at the Industrial Park, preventing enemy forces from reclaiming lost ground. The slums, villa, and factory must be denied to the enemy wherever possible, either through controlled withdrawal or pre-planned demolition of key infrastructure to limit its operational value. If retreat becomes necessary, fallback positions north of the Rio Grande must be held to prevent further enemy incursions. Under no circumstances should the enemy be allowed to breach Villa Sanagasta, as it serves as a critical strongpoint for continued operations.
Commander's IntentThe intent is to extent the frontline forward And expand the frontline to force the enemy forces to spread thinner
Tasks and Sequencing
PHASE 0 ALL CALLSIGNS Will form up and ready for verbal brief 10 min past START EX. at RP -0 PHASE 1 BISHOP 1 wil mount up in KNIGHT 1 and move towards DM - 1a BISHOP 2 will mount up in KNIGHT 2 and move towards DM - 1B BISHOP 3 will mount up in KNIGHT 3 and move towards DM - 1B Each squad wil take their assigned sector in clearing the slums and give updates on positioning and speed to make sure we are not over extending our self's. If in contact before the designated DM marker it is SL discretion where to dismount. KNIGHT 9 Main task should provide Security and for each squad and deal with any threat the infantry can not deal with. PHASE 2 Will commence after having secured the slums And teams a log packed at their respective IRP BISHOP 2 and BISHOP 3 will mount up and move to the east towards the Enemy FOB Centinela Due to distance SL needs work wel with each other and the 2 Knight callsigns to secure and take the FOB. BISHOP 1 Needs to hold the front line And if able to pus towards the Villa objective. Holding the front is the most important tasking. PHASE 3 After securing the FOB and the Villa all elements will move towards the Factory location and BISHOP 1 wil provide overwatch while BISHOP 2 and BISHOP 3 Do a combined assault on the factory with BISHOP 1 pushing up the flank and protect the elements from danger. BISHOP 1 is clear to push past the factory to beter secure against QRF or enemy counter attack
ResupplyCASTLE 4 Should provide Infantry logpack for each squad at the pre arrange IRP's And support ROOK 4-1 in setting up planned CCP locations together with BISHOP 8 Main task should be to setup and keep a VRP up and running as quickly as possible All KNIGHT Callsigns when able should be driving towards VRP incase for Mobility Kill contact BISHOP 8 for assistance
ROOK 4-1 Wil provide medical support at each IRP when able and requested by BISHOP 8 - Medical support will be conducted using supporting elements (PAK off Field) Have acces to medivac vehicle.
Rules of Engagement
In accordance with SOP
Fire Support Plan
In accordance with SOP
Close Air Support
In accordance with SOP
Communications Plan
Callsign | Primary Frequency | Superior Frequency | ACTUAL |
BISHOP 9 | 40mHz | 37mHz | SSG Kevin Platoon Leader |
BISHOP 1 | 250mHz | 40mHz | SSG Johnson Squad Leader |
BISHOP 2 | 260mHz | 40mHz | 1Lt WhiteWolf Squad Leader |
BISHOP 3 | 270mHz | 40mHz | SP3 Jeb Saur Squad Leader |
KNIGHT 9 | 361mHz | 37mHz | SP3 Bossatron APC/IFV Section Commander |
CASTLE 4 | 70mHz | 43mHz | Sgt Grezvany13 Logistics Support Chief |
ROOK 4-1 | 71mHz | 70mHz | PFC Rickonic CMT Leader |
CHECKMATE H | 87mHz | 37mHz | SSG Vyqe Senior Game Master |
Succession of command wil be BISHOP 9 ,BISHOP 8 ,BISHOP 1 ,BISHOP 2 ,BISHOP 3 ,KNIGHT 9 Platoon net LR: 40.0 KNIGHT 9 should be on this net as wel. Logistical net for CASTLE 4 ,ROOK 4-1 ,BISHOP 8 Will be on LR 70 Signal - Red: enemy position - Orange: friendly vehicle requiring support - Purple: friendly MASCAS - Blue or Green: friendly position - White: concealment
TEAMSPEAK IP: ops.unitedtaskforce.netGAME SERVER IP (Direct Connect): ops.unitedtaskforce.net
GAME SERVER PASSWORD: issued on Discord

STEP OFF: 1825hrs UTC
END-EX: 2000-2100hrs UTC APPROX
All are GMT/UTC