Refine a fire mission based on spotted impacts in the following format:
[target number],
(direction [direction from the FO to the target, in milliradians]),
left/right [offset perpendicular to FO-target line, from the known point to the target, in meters],
add/drop [offset parallel to FO-target line, from the last provided value to the target, in meters],
(up/down [altitude change from the known point to the target; altitude is measured above sea level]
[type of mission],
Type of mission | Meaning |
not specified | Previous mission was ADJUST FIRE, current request is again ADJUST FIRE |
REPEAT | Previous mission was FIRE FOR EFFECT, current request is again FIRE FOR EFFECT |
FIRE FOR EFFECT | The FO is confident the next salvo will hit the target with the required accuracy. Transition from an ADJUST FIRE mission type to a FIRE FOR EFFECT mission type. This activates the requested method of engagement “in effect”, if any. |
ADJUST FIRE | The FO is not confident the next salvo will hit the target with the required accuracy, so they want to adjust the fires through observation one round at a time. Transition from a FIRE FOR EFFECT mission type to an ADJUST FIRE mission type. This (re-)activates the requested method of engagement “in adjust”, if any. |
Add up/down adjustments