FM/BG-806.V1.01 - Vector 21 fall of shot function
- Change settings from deg & SI to mrad & SI
- 5x Tab for settings
- R to cycle units: left: 6400, right: SI-U
- 5x Tab to save
- Fall of shot function:
- Short-press then press and hold Tab on target
- Keep holding Tab until the end
- Hit R on spotted impact, 1-P appears
- Release Tab
- Hit R with adjustments visible to cycle range/deviation and vertical shift
- A for Add, d for drop (note uppercase vs. lowercase)
- L for Left, r for right (ditto)
- Read from left to right for immediately transmittable one-round adjustment
See for all Vector 21 functionality

Above: Vector 21 fall-of-shot function usage
Last major change:
Published by
Sgt Jochem on 01/02/2025 at 12:36